Work for girls abroad with a work visa
Work for girls abroad legally, for work visa. Credit the ticket. Income inіd 3000 $ for a month.
If you urgently need a job abroad, then Lebanon is the best place. Registration of work visa for 5 days. Work for girls abroad from the official agency with vacancies dancivnitsya hostess with consumatsiyu. Registration, accommodation in a comfortable hotel, 10 hviliny in the sea, insurance and daily transportation to work and back. The state agreement shall be signed with the immigration service. Shonaymenshe documents, we will do everything for you.
We offer work in the best nightclubs in Lebanon with working visas to girls on vacancies dancer, model hostess with consumatsiya
Why is Lebanon one of the most popular countries among girls who want to work abroad? Why do they choose Lebanon and return to this country again and again?
– Guaranteed wonderful earnings on par with many European countries.
– A work visa is issued by the party that accepts it in only 5 days and absolutely free of charge. You’re just sitting at home watching.
– Your security is guaranteed by the immigration service of Lebanon. That is, you make a contract with her to open a work visa.
– The contract can be terminated at any time without penalty or forfeit. You can turn around and go home.
– There are no initial deposits and expenses, the receipt is on credit.
– From the first working day may be possible advance payment.
– All you need to open a work visa is a foreign passport and a desire to work and earn money in one of the best countries in the world.
Why does everyone choose us?
Our agency is located in Lebanon, where we are offering jobs.
Great choice of clubs
A lot of girls work with us on our recommendation.
We work in the interests and for the well-being of our dancers
We offer official registration and high income
Postive support for the duration of the contract
Our services are free of charge for you
In order to apply, it is sufficient to send a few photos of good quality, a scanned passport for traveling abroad and a photo on the documents. Phone number to call and a small description of your data and work experience if there is any. After that we will contact you and discuss the details of registration. We’ll send you a government contract in your name. You will be obliged within 2 days to dissolve it, sign it and send it back. That’s it, it’s as simple as that.
Flight on credit from the capital of any country.
For a quick contact, please call us right now on Whatsapp or Viber: +380990716535.

Astarte agency – international agency for employment abroad in the sphere of show business. We offer work for dancers, hostesses, models, animatoriv, official and others.
Regarding employment write to Whatsapp and Viber: +380990716535
Our channel on Telegram and pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are an easy way to find new vacancies.
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