Jobs for girls in the best clubs in Jordan.
Jobs for girls in Jordan, this is one of the few options left for those who only want to work in consumation. Jordan offers the best option for such a job. And not only because the country is very rich, but also because the conditions here are really very interesting.
For starters, it’s worth noting that all clubs are centered in only one city, Amman. That is, the whole country vacations only in this city and hence there is always work.
The second, not insignificant factor that attracts girls to work in Jordan is that you do not need to work a lot. What does that mean? Business hours in Jordan, in any club or bar, are only until three in the morning. And it starts at 10:00 p.m. And so, the whole country, determined to have a vacation, rushes to nightclubs. No need to explain that there is no time for “slow dancing”. The girls only have time to get glasses, tips and a huge amount of attention.
But during the day, girls are not constrained by time at all and can afford to travel around the country, explore the culture, go shopping and enjoy the rest.
Add to that the fact that men here are rich, handsome and not spoiled by women’s attention. And let them very much like to hang noodles on the ears, that’s what consummation, that would listen, pretend to admire and believe, and the “hero” in gratitude will shower you with gifts and attention.
Conditions for working in Jordan for girls
– Ages 18-35
– Attractive appearance
– Knowledge of English is preferred but not required
– Height from 165 cm
– Consummation active, possibly without alcohol
– Tourist visa
– Guaranteeing the passage of the border
– Ticket Crediting
– Airport pickup
The contract is signed for 2 months (strictly by agreement and BEFORE departure for the contract can be negotiated for 1 month)
Accommodation in comfortable apartments, 2 girls per room. There is everything you need for a comfortable stay. Apartments and cab expenses are paid by the girls themselves. 350 dinar (~500 dollars) one bedroom apartment. Residency credit is available. All the apartments of the girls from all the clubs are not far from each other. Such a peculiar community, where it is not at all scary to share experiences and learn everything you need to know.
One day off per week except Thursday. But you have to make a free day in advance.
Earnings in Jordan for girls:
The rate is 20JD(~$30) per day, paid when the norm of 4 cups is met. Plus each glass is 5JD (7$), tips are 100% yours, as well as gifts, etc. You can earn from 100 dollars per shift.
Jordanians are very generous and love to take girls to restaurants and stores. Just to show off with a pretty girl, rewarding you for your attention.

Astarte agency is an international agency for overseas employment in show business. We offer jobs for dancers, hostesses, models, animators, waitresses and others.
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